CircleCI vs Travis CI

October 04, 2021

CircleCI vs Travis CI: A Comparison for DevOps Practitioners

DevOps tools can make a world of difference in modern software development by automating the repetitive and time-consuming processes that are part of the development cycle. CI/CD tools like CircleCI and Travis CI are two of the most popular ones. Let's compare them to see which one will suit your development environment.

What is CircleCI?

CircleCI is a cloud-based continuous integration and delivery tool that allows developers to build, test, and deploy applications automatically. With CircleCI, you can spin up on-demand containers to perform build and test jobs. It has excellent support for parallel builds, which means that you can run multiple jobs in parallel to achieve faster build times. CircleCI is also known for its user-friendly interface, GitHub integration, and status badges.

What is Travis CI?

Travis CI is another popular cloud-based CI/CD tool that is used to build, test, and deploy software applications. With Travis CI, you can also run jobs in parallel, reduce build times, and integrate with GitHub. One of the significant features of Travis CI is its easy setup. It requires no servers or infrastructure and can be quickly set up using a single YAML file.

CircleCI vs Travis CI: Which One to Choose?

Let's compare CircleCI and Travis CI based on six different aspects:

1. Cost

Both services offer free and paid plans. CircleCI offers a free plan with one container and 1,000 monthly credits, and the prices for paid plans start at $30 per month. Travis CI offers a public, free plan with a limited number of minutes, and it's paid options start at $69 per month. Travis CI’s pricing can be steeper, especially with heavy usage.

2. Speed

Both CircleCI and Travis CI are very fast and reliable. However, CircleCI's parallelism support is superior to Travis CI's, which can make a significant difference in reducing build and test times. CircleCI also has a better distributed infrastructure which helps in providing faster network access.

3. Setup

Travis CI is easier to configure than CircleCI. You can set it up using just one YAML file, which describes how your project should be tested and deployed across multiple operating systems. CircleCI can be more challenging to set up but has better documentation and support which helps in overcoming the issue.

4. Integrations

Both CircleCI and Travis CI offer integration with GitHub through their respective apps. CircleCI has a better user interface, making it an optimal choice for GitHub users. Travis CI has plugins available for other CI tools and can be integrated with Slack.

5. Flexibility

Both CI/CD tools are flexible and adaptable to many different projects, platforms, and third-party services. However, CircleCI's emphasis on configuration flexibility over simplicity may pose a challenge for some users. Travis CI, on the other hand, has a very simple setup but is somewhat limited in its customization options.

6. Support

CircleCI has a better user support infrastructure than Travis CI. CircleCI has a robust documentation system and better support for newer technologies. Travis CI's documentation is not as well-organized, but Travis support has a faster response time.


Deciding between CircleCI and Travis CI depends on your project's specific requirements. If your priority is more on automation, parallelism, and scalability, CircleCI is the way to go. On the other hand, if you are looking for a simple-to-setup CI/CD tool that has better GitHub integration, Travis CI is a good choice.

At Flare Compare, we are committed to providing our users with unbiased comparisons and reviews of DevOps tools to help them make informed decisions that best fit their needs. If you want to see a comparison of another set of tools, please let us know.


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